A Letter to Agnostic Agnes (Does God Exist?)

Dear Aunt Agnes,

 I was thrilled to hear that you decided to go back to college to finish your degree.  Congratulations!  That is a very admirable thing to do, especially in your 60s.  I hope uncle Bubba is doing well.  I heard about the accident with the pick-up, but I am glad to hear that he was recovering. 

 Grandpa told me that you took some science classes there at the university, and that the teacher was trying to convince everyone that God does not exist and that anyone who believes in God was ignorant.  Grandpa told me that you were not really sure what to think anymore about it.  Does God exist?  I tell you that He does, and I’ll tell you why I know it.

 First off, take a look at the watch that your sister got you for your birthday.  You see how nice it looks?  You know there are quite a few cogs, springs, and wires inside there that are wound and placed in the perfect place to make your watch work correctly.  Now, did that watch happen by an accident?  Did every small piece just happen to fall together somewhere and land perfectly in the shape of a perfectly functioning watch?  Of course not, that’s obvious.  If something shows obvious design, there must have been someone who designed it to work that way.  Not only that, but there must be somebody to put the thing together in order to make it work.  That’s just common sense, right?

 Now, look at the world around you.  Isn’t it interesting that humans can breathe the air on this planet easily?  Is it not also interesting that the air we breathe out is carbon dioxide, the exact thing that plants “breathe in” to survive?  Look also at the human DNA.  I know you went over the DNA in your science class.  They call it “the human blueprint.”  A blueprint is a design, is it not?  Even your science books admit to that design.  Look at the solar system.  Do you realize that if the earth’s tilt were just a little different, we would freeze to death?  The earth’s rotation is just the right speed, too.  If it were much faster, we would be thrown into the air.  If it were much slower, the gravity would hold us so much that we could hardly move.  Everything in us as humans, on the earth, and in the solar system is designed perfectly for us as humans.  If it is designed perfectly (which it is), who designed it?  A watch cannot happen by accident.  The universe is far more complex, and your teacher expects us to believe that it was an accident?  No, since there is design, there must have been someone who designed it, and that someone is God.

 Another thing to consider is this: if evolution is really the answer to how we got here, how do they explain the morals of humans?  Anywhere you go, in every civilization throughout history, there has been a moral code of some sort.  While there are shades of differences in some of them, some remain the same.  Where has it ever been looked upon as right to murder someone who was completely innocent?  When has kidnapping been viewed as a noble thing?  What about thievery?  There are some things that are wrong, and everyone knows it.

 But let us look at it from another angle.  Suppose a bull gores and kills a man.  This man was completely innocent and did not deserve death.  Do we then take the bull and arrest it, putting it on trial?  Of course not!  That is ridiculous!  Bulls do not have the sense of morals that humans do.  But if a man kills another, it is a different story, right?  If evolution were true, then there would be other animals that have the same moral code within themselves as we do.  This moral code within us is something that we are born with.  When your great-nephew Matthew got cut in front of in line last month, didn’t he tell the other kid cutting was wrong?  How does Matthew know that it was wrong?  If evolution is true, then there is no real right or wrong, but only what someone thinks is good for them.  That Matthew knew it was wrong shows that he has a sense of morals (and we know it didn’t come from his parents).  The fact that humans, and only humans, have morals within themselves shows that it had to come from some place.  If it were evolution, other animals would have it.  Morals have no scientific basis.  Science can not find a “moral gene” or some muscle in your body that controls morals.  It doesn’t exist.  The place it comes from is God!  That is the only explanation for the existence of our morals.

 Another thing you might think about is this: there is a law in science that everything is the result of something else.  Basically, nothing can exist, work, or move without something creating it or moving it.  There is no perpetual motion, because eventually everything slows down and stops working.  Your watch is a good example of this.  It will not work on its own without you winding it, right?  Everything that moves or works has to have someone start it.  What about the planets?  What about the universe?  Since there is no such thing as perpetual motion, the planets had to have been started by something.

 I know that your science teacher probably said that everything started with the “big bang,” right?  But let’s look at the other part of the law I just mentioned.  Nothing can exist without someone making it.  If you start with nothing, you end up with nothing.  You can’t just sit and wait and expect a pizza to show up on your table without someone making it and putting it there, right?  Since matter (stuff) and energy eventually run down, they had to have been created and put into motion at some point.  The big bang is a fun explanation for how everything began if you ignore the fact that there had to have been something to make the “big bang.”  Where did that something come from?  Science, then, is back in the same mess they had before trying to explain where everything came from.  Simply, God made everything and put it into motion.

 Something else to consider is this little experiment.  Imagine the most horrifying, scary monster possible.  Think of all the horrible features you could give it, both in looks and in powers and attitude.  Now, what did you think of in that monster that you had not either read about, seen, or heard before?  Everything we can think of is based on something that we have experienced or sensed before, right?  I know in your philosophy class, they told you that there is no such thing as a new or truly original thought.  They are correct.  No matter how hard you try, you cannot think of anything new beyond that which you have sensed or experienced.

 What does that mean?  Have you noticed that all cultures and civilizations all have worship to a higher being?  The Indians have the “great spirit,” the Muslims have “Allah,” the Greeks and Romans had a large group of mythological gods.  There is an inner desire to find God.  Have you ever wondered why so many people are looking for their purpose in life?  If we came from evolution, there is no purpose in life.  But isn’t just about everyone yearning to find a purpose?  Something beyond themselves?

 Putting the two of those together, how could anyone, let alone all the cultures on earth, have a concept of a higher being beyond themselves if one did not exist?  Remember, man is only capable of imagining that which they have sensed or experienced.  Since man has a conception of the idea of God, the only explanation is that somewhere along the line, God interacted with man.  Since man has a concept of God, God must exist.

 If your science teacher is anything like the teacher I had at John A. Logan College a decade ago, he likely used pain and suffering as his “ace in the hole” against God existing.  The thing is, that does not really prove anything.  The teacher liked to say “if God is all-loving, why does evil exist?”  Let me ask you a question, Agnes.  Do you love your son Junior?  I know you do.  That is why you let him make his own decisions (although I still think you should kick him out of the house; he is 35 now).  God is the same way.  He loves us all, and because of that, He lets us make our own decisions.  People can choose to murder, rob banks, kidnap, drive drunk, and all other kinds of things.  But when they do, does that show God as uncaring?  No!  If Junior robbed a bank, does that show that you don’t love him?  Of course not!  Evil exists because of choices that people make to do those things that are evil.

 What about the innocent people who are hurt?  They didn’t do anything wrong, right?  How can we say God cares when innocent people get hurt all the time?  It is a fact that the choices we make affect us and other people as well.  You can’t say that it not true.  If you and the rest of the ladies up there stopped going to McDonald’s every morning, they might go out of business.  Something that you do can affect other people.  It can have good effects (like when you helped that homeless man get some food) or it can have bad effects (like when someone chooses to drive drunk and kills someone).  It is all because of choices that we make.  If someone chooses to do something wrong, evil exists, and innocent people might get hurt because of it.

 I know that it breaks your heart when a baby is born with some kind of problem.  Was it the baby’s fault that it had the problem?  Of course not.  But, you have seen parents who smoke and drink while the baby is growing in the womb.  Those things do affect the baby.  Also, there may be things that one of our ancestors did that caused there to be a problem with us.  Sometimes, it takes multiple generations for these things to manifest themselves, and we never know exactly where they come from.  But it all comes down to people and the choices they make.

 Agnes, I know you are busy with finals coming up, so I’ll go ahead and end this letter here.  I hope I have given you some things to think about.  Let me know what I can do to help in the future.  Give uncle Bubba my regards.  Tell Junior to get back to work. 



Reading the Bible


Many times, preachers get into the habit of not reading their Bibles. 

What?  What do you mean?  I prepare sermons every week from the Bible!

Yes, I understand that.  I do the same thing.  However, this morning a realization hit me.  I’ve been studying specific passages of the Bible in preparation for a certain lesson; but I hadn’t just been reading the Bible.

Many times, preachers kinda know what they want to preach on, and find the text that teaches it, and then digs into that text.  They spend so much time doing that, that they trick themselves into thinking that they’ve done enough Bible reading for the week.  I know I’m not alone in this.  I’ve heard other preachers say the same thing.

This morning, I woke up around 2 in the morning (after going to sleep around 11:30), and was wide awake.  After a couple hours in vain of trying to go back to sleep, I got up with a flashlight and began reading Matthew.  So many things were there that I’d just plain forgotten about.  And literally dozens of sermon ideas and articles ideas hit me—and I was tempted to stop and write them down, but I wanted to keep reading.

Reading God’s word was freeing.  It was a great pleasure.  It was instructive.  It was corrective.  It was enlightening.

And I only got through Matthew 12.

It’s no wonder that one of my heroes, Harold Turner, made it a point to read through the New Testament once every month.

I can’t wait to do this again.

I’m Baa-aack

Yes, it’s been a couple months since I posted anything.  And if any of you check the blog on a regular basis, I apologize.  I thank you, but I still apologize for not getting anything new up.

I’ll try to do better.

Meanwhile, a lot of things have taken place.  Things which cause me a great deal of excitement!

1. I’ve published six books, and they are all available on Amazon in hardback and in Kindle format.  They are:

* The Prodigal Slave: A Study of the Letter to Philemon (revised and expanded from the one I mentioned a few months back).

*Alexander Campbell: A Collection (writings by and about Alexander Campbell).

* Abner Jones: A Collection (writings by and about Abner Jones).

* Sketches of Our Pioneers: a Brief Restoration Movement History (revised and expanded)

* The Oliphant-Smith Debate on the Existence of God, on Evolution, and on Morality (revised)

* Toils and Struggles of the Olden Times: The Autobiography of Elder Samuel Rogers (revised).

These all look very nice, and are high-quality paperbacks.


2. We’ve had three baptisms in the past month!

3. I’ve taken on several new writing projects–involving lots of research.  That may not sound fun to you, but I love the thrill of digging for undiscovered or forgotten information.

4. Michael Shank, author of Muscle and a Shovel will be speaking at our congregation next month.

Really, it’s an exciting time to be me.

And tomorrow, my commentary on Jude will be available.  Yee-Ha!

And WE’RE Complaining???

We have had it good for a very long time.  You don’t believe me?  Name one Christian in America who has been murdered because he stood for his faith.  Can’t think of any?  How about naming a Christian in America who was beaten by order of the government?  We’ve had it so good that we are actually shocked and outraged when the government does something that might cause us to suffer in some way. 

To put it bluntly, we have become spoiled

Is it horrible that the Supreme Court made two decisions Wednesday that go against the Bible?  Of course.  But since when is it the government’s job to determine what is biblically right or wrong?

It would benefit all Christians to have a history lesson.  The New Testament was written during the days of the Roman Empire.  Most of it was written during the reign of a guy named Nero.  Some things you might not remember about him:

  • He was an open homosexual, even marrying a young boy.
  • He had Christians in Rome arrested and then covered them in rags and tar, set them up on poles and set them on fire—burning them alive—so that his garden could be lighted at night.
  • He had other Christians arrested and thrown into the arenas to be ripped apart by starving lions.
  • He instituted an official, bloody, empire-wide persecution of Christians that lasted 3 ½ years, and religious people (the Jews) helped him enforce it.
  • And there’s really a lot more…

And we complain about the itty-bitty persecution we’re getting here in America?  Really?

It was during the reign of Nero that Peter wrote the words “honor the king” (I Peter 2:17).  It was during the reign of Nero that Paul said these words:

Let every soul be subject to the higher authorities, for there is no authority except from God.  The powers that exist are ordained by God.  Therefore, whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God, and those who resist will themselves receive damnation. (Romans 13:1-2)

It was during the reign of Nero that Paul said:

Therefore, I exhort that—first of all—supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all people, for kings, and for all those in authority (I Timothy 2:1-2).

I can hear it now, I’m supposed to thank God for the corrupt and wicked leaders we have?!?!? 

Do you think Paul and Peter were just kidding when they said to honor Nero?  To be subject to Nero?  To not resist Nero?  To pray and give thanks for Nero? 

It’s time to realize that even as bad as things may be, they could be worse—a lot worse. 

If you want this county’s direction to change, then you have to start changing the people.  That’s not done through legislation, but through teaching them the true gospel of Christ. 

How to be Perfect!

Thoughts from James 1:4

But let patience have its work finished

Patience doesn’t come all at once.  I’m reminded of a comic strip I saw once that shows a man with his teeth gritted, his forehead crinkled, and his eyes tightly shut as he says the words, “Lord, give me patience, and I need it right now!”  Patience is like a human—it starts off small, and it takes care and nurturing to make it grow. 

The gist of what James is saying here is that we are to continue to endure temptation so that our patience can grow to the level of Job—and then to the level of Christ!  This is a true test of your faith in God.  Can you rely on Him so completely through your trials that nothing worries you anymore?  That is perfect patience—complete patience.

The word perfect means mature, complete, or finished.  We’re supposed to let our patience get to a complete state.  And we do this…

So that you may be perfect and entire, lacking nothing.

We need to let our patience grow so that we can grow.  The person who has patiently endured through trials and temptations has grown to a state of maturity.  Simply put, when our patience becomes complete, we become complete.  When our patience has reached a state of perfection, so have we!  Christians often wonder what they can do to be more like Christ—here is the answer!

The word entire means a state of complete wholeness.  There is nothing missing.  In fact, James stresses this point by saying entire, lacking nothing.  When you have built up this amazing level of godly patience and endurance when surrounded by trials and temptations, you have reached a state of maturity and wholeness that few people ever enjoy. 

It is highly likely that you know someone who fits this description.  No matter what comes their way, they are calm and resilient, always showing complete trust in God.  They’ve got it all together.  I’d be willing to guess that they weren’t always that way.  It took going through some difficult times to teach them obedience and submission to God.  The Scriptures say the same thing about Jesus.

Even though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things that He suffered.  And being made perfect, He became the author of eternal salvation to all those who obey Him (Hebrews 5:8).

Jesus Himself had to endure suffering so that He could be perfect and entire, lacking nothing.  And Jesus doesn’t ask us to do anything that He wasn’t willing to do Himself.

It is not easy at first, but the more you work at it, the easier it becomes.  Where are you at in the process? 

For the Kingdom of Heaven’s Sake

Excellent thoughts. I had never considered that aspect of Christ’s life before with His statement in Matthew 19:12.

"Speaking the Truth in Love"

It finally dawned on me recently the full import of what our Lord meant when He said in Matthew 19:12:  “For there are eunuchs who were born thus from their mother’s womb, and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men, and there are eunuchs who have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake.  He who is able to accept it, let him accept it.”  Ah, I see it now… Jesus was talking about people like Himself.

Eunuchs were men who had been emasculated; unable to produce children of their own because they could not have sexual relations like other men.  Although some males are born deformed, or else do not have the inclinations of other men, hence being “eunuchs” in a sense, most eunuchs were men of high standing in the courts of kings.  They could obtain access to the king’s family members or his…

View original post 267 more words

Second list of books for sale

Because of the response to the list of books I put up for sale last week, I’ve gone through my shelves and compiled another list.  This will (hopefully) be the last such posting.  I know you’d rather be reading interesting articles than a list of books.  But like my friend Adam Faughn has said, some things cost money.

If any of these interest you, please send me an email at Bradley.Cobb2@verizon.net

If you want a lot, let me know and we’ll try to work out a deal.


Biblical Studies in Light of Archaeology (Wayne Jackson) PB, 69 pages – $3.00

The Other Side of Evolution (Jon Gary Williams) PB – $.50



Studies in Amos (Kyle Yates) HB, 136 pages – $2.00

Gospel Advocate Teacher’s Annual Commentaries, 2004/2005 – PB, 255 pages – $3.00

Gospel Advocate Teacher’s Annual Commentaries, 1966 – HB, 335 pages – $4.00

Gospel Advocate Teacher’s Annual Commentaries, 1985/86 – PB, 294 pages – $3.00

David Lipscomb’s Commentary on John – HB, 338 pages – $7.00

David Lipscomb’s Commentaries on Paul’s Epistles (5 volumes, HB) – $40.00 for the set.



International Children’s Bible, New Testament (NCV with illustrations) PB – $1.00

NKJV softcover (good for pew Bible) – $1.50

New Living Translation, PB – $1.00

NRSV, PB – $1.00

1978 NIV, HB, with very minor highlighting and a few notes – $2.50

New International Reader’s Version, PB – $1.00

NRSV Children’s Bible, HB, some marking on front pages, text is clean – $2.00

NIV (1984 update) New Testament, PB – $1.00

Contemporary English Version N.T., PB – $1.00

New Century Version N.T., PB – $1.00

New Scofield Reference Edition (KJV), Red Bonded Leather with wear on the edges of cover – $3.00

Zondervan Topical Bible, HB/DJ – $7.00

Narrated Bible in Chronological Order (NIV) by F. LaGard Smith, HB/DJ – $8.00

New American Standard Bible (original edition) HB – $3.00

Maxwell Leadership Bible (NKJV) Green hardcover – $5.00


Books on Jesus

Jesus Through the Centuries: His Place in the History of Culture (Jaroslav Pelikan) PB, 270 pages (one loose) – $2.00

The Originality of Jesus Christ (James Bales) with “Christ, the Desire of All Nations or the Unconcious Prophecies of Heathendom?” (R.C. Trench) PB, 260 pages – $2.50

Jesus: The Master Respondent (James Bales) PB, 120 pages – $3.00

A Doctor at Calvary: The Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ as Described by a Surgeon (Pierre Barbet, MD) HB, 200 pages with photos – $4.00


Lectureship Books

1990 Bellview Lectures (Bobby Liddell, editor): What Does God Authorize in Worship?  HB, 308 pages – $7.00

Fellowship—From God or Man? 2007 CFTF Lectures, autographed by David Brown, editor – HB $6.00

3rd Spiritual Sword Lectures (Thomas Warren, Garland Elkins, editors): God Demands Doctrinal Preaching.  HB/DJ, 332 pages – $12.00

2002 “Speak as the Oracles of God” Lectures—Put to the Test: Examining and Defending the Faith. (Kyle Butt, Eric Lyons, Brad Harrub, Marion Fox, Tom Bright, Robert Taylor Jr, more)  PB – $6.00



Thrust Volume 2, Number 3 including the Wayne Jackson/Carroll debate on atheism and ethics – PB, 68 pages – $3.00

The Gospel Hour (V.E. Howard), collection of 4 sermons broadcast on the radio.  Three deal with miracles and healing.  The fourth is “The Misunderstood Christ.”  Date unknown, front pages taped together. – $2.00

The Little Missionary (1986) 24 pages – $1.00

Christian Appeal (edited by Gene Shelburne), 4 issues from 2010 – $1.00 for all.

Bulletin Digest, Sept 1984, 24 pages – $1.00



The Christian Home (Dale Lawson) PB, 113 pages—Underlining throughout–$1.50


 Workbooks/Teaching Books

Into Our Hands: A Study of Christian Stewardship (Jr. Teacher’s Manual) – $1.00

Systematic Study of Acts (Willard Conchin) PB – $.85

If You Are a Christian (Willard Conchin) PB – $.85

Some Lessons We Should Learn (Willard Conchin) PB – $.85

You Can Do It! (Willard Conchin) PB – $.85

Workbook on Christian Doctrine (George W. DeHoff) PB – $.85

Basic Bible Doctrines vol 1 (Robert Harkrider) PB – $1.00

Basic bible Doctrines vol 2 (Robert Harkrider) PB – $1.00 (seven available)

Basic Bible Doctrines vol 3 (Robert Harkrider) PB – $1.00

Survey of World Religions (Rod Rutherford) 8 ½ x 11, 119 pages – $3.00

Denominational Doctrines (Rod Rutherford) 8 ½ x 11, 73 pages – $3.00

The One True Church (Rod Rutherford) 8 ½ x 11, 72 pages – $3.00


The Catholic Church

A Short History of the Catholic Church (Jose Orlandis) PB 166 pages – $2.00

Truth and Tolerance: Christian Belief and World Religions (Pope Benedict XVI) PB, 284 pages – $2.00


Bible Lands

Bible Lands Illustrated (J.T. Marlin) HB, 182 pages AUTOGRAPHED in 1963 – $6.00


Other Books

More Holy Hilarity: Inspirational Wit and Cartoons (Cal and Rose Samra) PB, 209 pages – $2.00

Books for Sale

This will not be a regular occurrence, but we are trying to raise money to go to Roundhouse, an annual home-school conference for members of the church of Christ.  Below is a list of many different books that I’ve decided to part with from my personal library.  If you are interested in any of them, email at Bradley.Cobb2@verizon.net

Note: * means written by a member of the church of Christ


*A Study of the Gospel According to John (James Meadows) – PB, 82 pages, includes various handouts in addition to the book. – $2.50

Exodus (Bible Book Study Commentary, Bill R. Ausha) PB, 132 pages – $2.00

*Lessons From Exodus (Gary Henson) 8 ½ x 11, spiral bound, 42 pages – $3.00

Genesis: Collegeville Bible Commentary (P. Viviano) – PB, 136 pages – $1.50

Daniel and Revelation (Experiencing the Word Commentary) – PB, 96 pages – $.50

Galatians and Ephesians (Experiencing the Word Commentary) – PB, 96 pages – $.50

The Epistle to the Romans (C.K. Burnett) HB 278 pages – $4.00

The Epistle to the Galatians (James D.G. Dunn) HB, 375 pages – $4.00

Acts, part 2 [13-28] (Bible Book Study Commentary, Edmon Rowell, Jr) PB, 131 pages – $2.50

Acts of the Apostles [Journey Through the Bible] (Justo Gonzalez) PB, 112 pages – $2.00

International Sunday School Lessons, 1966 (Frank S. Mead) HB/DJ 384 pages – $3.50

Beware the Pretenders [Jude] (John MacArthur, Jr) PB, 111 pages – $2.50

*Comments on the Revelation (W.S. Thompson) HB, 258 pages – $4.00


Bibles and books on Bible versions:

MacArthur Study Bible (NKJV).  Burgundy bonded leather, minimal underlining, has name “Cassandra” in gold lettering on cover.  Some edge wear – $4.00

Bible Versions: Which is the REAL Word of God? (David B Loughran) PB, 49 pages – $2.00



The Case for Easter: evidence for the resurrection (Lee Strobel) – PB, 95 pages – $.75

The Case for Christmas: the identity of the child in the manger (Lee Strobel) – PB, 96 pages – $.75

More than a Carpenter (Josh McDowell) – PB, 128 pages – some highlighting and underlining – $.75

*Reason and Revelation – 183 issues (includes every issue from 1984-1991, 2007-2008, and many others through 2010. – $20.00 for all.

*Reason and Revelation – 30 issues (from 1993-2009) – $4.00 for all

*Evolution or Creation? (Basil Overton) PB, 68 pages – $2.00

Men of Science, Men of God: Great Scientists who Believed the Bible (Henry Morris) – PB, 107 pages – $1.25

Breaking the Ice Age Myth (Beata Smith) – PB, 170 pages – $2.00

The Battle for Truth: Defending the Christian Worldview in the Marketplace of Ideas (David Noebel) – PB 384 pgs – $2.75

Refuting Compromise: Biblical and Scientific Refutation of Progressive Creationism (Billions of Years) (Jonathan Sarfati) PB, 411 pages – $4.00

*Short Essays in Biblical Criticism (J. W. McGarvey) HB, 479 pages – $5.00

The Revised and Expanded Answer Book: 20 Most-Asked Questions About Creation, Evolution, and the Book of Genesis Answered! (Edited by Don Batten, Ken Ham and others) HB, 274 pages – $3.00


Books about Jesus:

The Advent of the Savior (Stephen Binz) – PB, 69 pages – $.75

Jesus Christ: Miracles (John P. Gilbert) – PB, 64 pages – $.75

Jesus Christ: Holy Week and Crucifixion (Thomas Langford) – PB, 64 pages – $.75

Parables of Jesus: Glimpses of the New Age (Neal Fisher) – PB, 147 pages (Methodist book).  Glue on spine drying, some pages loose – $.50

The Trial of Christ: a Criminal Lawyer Defends Jesus (Dee Wampler) PB, 52 pages – $1.50



*Principles of Interpretation (Clinton Lockhart) HB, 260 pages – $4.00

Elements of Logic [also called “Hedge’s Rules of Logic”] (Levi Hedge) PB, 178 pages – $2.00


Books on Denominations and Cults:

Book of Mormon – $.25

Truth Restored: a Short History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Hinkley) – PB, 156 pages – $1.50

Facts, Frauds, and Phantasms: A Survey of the Spiritualist Movement (Georgess McHargue) HB, 150 pages – $.90.

The Trail of Blood… “A History of the Baptist Churches from Christ…to the Present Day” (1931) PB, 56 pages – $1.75

Handbook of Today’s Religions, including cults and world religions (Joshua McDowell) HB, 567 pages – $5.00

What Does the Bible REALLY Teach? (Jehovah’s Witness handbook) PB, 224 pages – $1.00


Dictionaries and Concordances:

Cruden’s Compact Concordance – HB, 563 pages – $2.50

Thayer’s Greek-English Lexicon – HB – $4.00

The Analytical Greek Lexicon – HB – $4.00


church of Christ Periodicals:

*The Debater (vol 1, No. 3, Nov/Dec 1959) with part 2 of the Dew-Wilhite debate on the impossibility of apostasy.  20 pages, $1.00

*The Best of 20 Years (compilation of articles from 20th Century Christian, published on their 20th anniversary).  HB, 196 pages (cover is solid because it has been taped well, some spots on bottom of pages) – $2.00


Instrumental Music:

*Scripture Studies Volume IV: Three Defenses of Instrumental Music in Worship Answered (S.H. Hall) HB, 160 pages – $5.00


Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage:

*Bales’ Position Explained and Denied (Jerry Moffitt) PB, 161 pages – $4.00

*James Bales-Roy Deaver Debate on Alien Sinners and the Covenant – HB, 496 pages – $6.00


Apocryphal and “Lost” books, and related material:

Jesus: Apocalyptic Prophet of the New Millennium (Bart D. Ehrman) HB/DJ, 274 pages – $5.00

Reading Judas: The Gospel of Judas and the Shaping of Christianity (Elaine Pagels and Karen L. King) HB, 198 pages – like new $2.00


Other church of Christ books:

*3rd Annual Shenandoah Lectureship: Embattled Christianity, A Call to Alarm the Church to Humanism (edited by Terry Hightower) – HB, 394 pages – $10.00

*Basic Bible Doctrine: Book 2 (Robert Harkrider) – PB, 64 pages (non-institutional material) – $.75 (six copies available)

Great Songs of the Church: Number 2 (Standard Publishing Songbook, 1937) – HB, 603 songs – $3.50

*Half-Year of Church Studies (Lewis Hale) PB, 28 pages – $1.00

*The New Testament Church (L.R. Wilson) PB, 74 pages – $1.50

*Conquering You Giants (Nancy Eichman) PB, 156 pages – $2.00

*Bigger Men for Better Churches [book on elders] (Cleon Lyles) HB/DJ, 118 pages – $3.50 (two copies available)

*Johnny Ramsey – Otis Hill Debate on Baptism and Apostasy – PB, 93 pages – $3.00

*1984 Firm Foundation Lectures (including Wayne Jackson, William Cline, Perry Cotham, Thomas Warren, Gary Workman, Johnny Ramsey, Garland Elkins, Dub McLish, Mac Deaver, Robert Taylor Jr, George DeHoff, and others) HB, 383 pages – $5.00

*Christ, We Do All Adore Thee [A study guide to the Gospel of John] (Fred House) PB, 89 pages – $1.50

*Life With a Purpose (J. Noel Merideth) HB, 111 pages – $2.00

*Restoration, Reformation, or Revelation? (James D. Bales) HB, 328 pages – $4.00



The Life Beyond: An Interpretation of New Testament Teachings on Death, Resurrection, the Second Coming, and Eternal Destiny (Ray Summers) HB/DJ – 233 pages – $4.00


Other Religious Books:

New Testament Fulfillment of Old Testament Prophecies (Abram Kenneth Abraham) PB, 234 pages – $2.25

The Holy City [the history of Jerusalem] (Dr. James Johnson) PB, 136 pages, lots of b/w maps and photos – $4.00

As a Man Thinketh (James Allen) HB, 64 pages – $1.50

Preaching from the Prophets (Kyle Yates) HB/DJ, 225 pages – $4.00

An Outline of the Old Testament – PB, 174 pages – $2.25

A Closer Walk with God: Prayer as a Way of Life (selected writings from Spurgeon, Moody, Sunday, Torrey, and others) PB, 80 pages – $1.25

Tough and Tender: What Every Woman Wants in a Man (Joyce Landorf) PB, 157 pages – $1.00

Learning of God: Readings from Amy Carmichael – PB, 135 pages – $.75

The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life for Today (Hannah Whitall Smith) – HB/DJ, 223 pages – $.75

The Bible Promise Book (selected Scriptures on various topics) – PB, 172 pages – $.75

The Cost of Discipleship (Dietrich Bonhoeffer) – PB, 316 pages (this man was executed in Nazi Germany) – $1.50

God’s Medicine Cabinet: the Complete Healing Scripture Manual For All Ailments (Michael Fugett) – PB, 192 pages – $1.00

Eucharist (Stephen Binz) – PB, 129 pages – $.75

Life Sentence (Charles W. Colson) – HB/DJ, 306 pages – $1.00

The Greatest Story Ever Told: a Reverent and Faithful re-telling of the story of Jesus with powerful Simplicity (Fulton Oursler) – HB/DJ, 299 pages – $1.75

The Greatest Faith Ever Known: a Reverent Retelling of the Apostles in the early days of Christianity (Fulton Oursler) – HB/DJ, 383 pages – $1.75

America in the Kingdom Parables (C.O. Stadsklev) – PB, 91 pages – $.40

The Fraudulent Gospel:  Politics and the World Council of Churches (Bernard Smith) – PB, 96 pages – $.30

Writing from A to Z (writing handbook), 500 pages, pb, spiral-bound – $2.00

Why Do the Heathen Rage? (anonymous) PB, 400 pages of articles appearing in newspapers from 1962-1981 – $1.75.

Is It Profitable?

If you haven’t heard it already, you probably will.  Someone will surely tell you that the Bible doesn’t say anything about a certain topic.  While it may be true that it is never specifically mentioned in the Word, there are many verses that give us Godly principles that can be applied to many different topics.  With these verses, we can determine what we should and shouldn’t do; what is right and what is wrong in God’s eyes.  These verses not only apply to the so-called “grey areas” but can also be applied to more black-and-white topics.

Paul said, “All things are lawful unto me, but not all things are expedient.  All things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.” (I Cor. 6:12) The ESV says “…not all things are helpful…” “…I will not be enslaved by anything.”

  • I Thessalonians 5:21, 22 tells us to “Prove all things, hold fast to that which is good.  Abstain from all appearance of evil.
  • Matthew 12:36 says, “Every idle word that man shall speak, they shall give an account thereof in the day of judgment.
  • I Cor 10:31: “Whether therefore ye eat or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
  • I Cor 3:16, 17: “Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwelleth in you?  If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.
  • I Cor 8:12, 13: “But when ye sin so against the brethren, and wound their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ, wherefore, if meat make my brother to offend, I will eat no flesh while the world standeth, lest I make my brother to offend.

Paul told us that while some things may have been permissible in and of themselves, he wouldn’t do them because of the way it would look to others.  “abstain from all appearance of evil” we are told (I Thessalonians 5:22).  If it even has the appearance of being wrong, we ought to at least give serious thought before we do it!

These are interesting principles, but what can they apply to?

1. Drinking alcoholic beverages

The New Testament says “be not drunk with wine” (Eph 5:18), and it says that elders should not be “given to wine.”  Many people take that and say that it is ok to drink alcohol as long as we don’t get drunk.  First off, please get out your Bibles and read Proverbs 20:1. 

It is well-known that Paul told Timothy to “drink a little wine” for his stomach’s sake, and for his constant infirmities.  This verse—which might not even be speaking of alcohol (same Greek word for grape juice)—was a prescription given to a specific person at a specific time for a specific purpose.  Even if this is speaking of alcohol, it doesn’t permit it to be used for any and every reason!  Is it ok to use morphine and narcotics for medical pain-relieving purposes?  Of course.  Does that them make it ok to use them just for fun?  No way!

Let’s take the topic and apply the earlier mentioned Biblical principles to it.  First, if–and that’s a big IF–it is spiritually lawful, is it expedient (or helpful)?  Is it profitable (as another translation says)?  Will drinking a beer help our soul?  Paul says things may be lawful, but he will “not be brought under the power of any” (I Cor 6:12).  It’s been scientifically shown that even one drink kills brain cells.  We all know that alcohol is addictive, so can someone really drink and “not be brought under the power” of the alcohol?  Can we drink alcohol to the glory of God (I Cor 10:31)?  Remember, no matter what we do, no matter if we think it’s right or wrong, we will have to answer to God at the day of judgment!  Mark 8:36 says, “What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?”  Is it worth your soul for just a drink?

2. Smoking cigarettes. 

This is a topic that most people have opinions on.  This is also the topic (outside of worship matters) that most often brings forth the words, “there’s nothing in the Bible that says it is wrong!”  Smoking didn’t originate until about 1200-1300 years after the Bible was written.  It was first used by American Indians as part of their religious ceremonies.  So, obviously, Paul and the other writers had no knowledge of smoking, nor any reason to mention it.  But the principles in the Bible can help us discover if it’s ok to smoke.

Once again, we start with Paul’s statement.  If indeed it is lawful (as some will say), is it expedient?  Is it profitable?  Smoking is very addictive, and anyone who smokes is indeed “brought under the power” of smoking.  Can we smoke a cigarette to the glory of God?  Everyone, by now, is aware that smoking is very harmful to the body.  The question then presents itself: Why do people still do it?  It is possible to quit.  Paul said, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13)

We preach and teach that we are to love one another and show love one for another.  We believe we should live by Christ’s words when he said, “Love thy neighbor as thyself.”  Second-hand smoke is responsible for approximately 3,000 deaths per year among non-smokers!  Are we showing our love for our neighbors if we smoke?

We should also look at the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30.  We’re shown that God rewards those who are good stewards of what he’s given them.  Is it being a good steward to spend the money he’s blessed us with on cigarettes?  An average pack costs $4.00 (the average smoker smokes one pack per day), which is almost $1,500 per year!  Imagine what good could be done with that money!


When Paul said “not all things are profitable,” he meant it.  There are things that do nothing to help the body or the soul, and do nothing to bring others to Christ.  Paul also said he would not do something if it offended others (I Cor 8:8-13), in fact he said “While the world stands” he would not do it!

Just ask yourself this: What would you think of someone who went door-to-door with a cigarette in their mouth or a beer in their hand, trying to convert people to Christ?

Indeed, not all things are profitable, and we will give an account to God of every little thing we do.  Do all to the glory of God.  Let us apply these principles to everything we do in our lives!

(NOTE: this article was first written in 2007, and has undergone some revision since then)

Why, God?

Why, God?

Living in central Oklahoma, I know first-hand the terror that comes when you hear the word “tornado.”  People fear for their lives, and rightfully so.  On Monday, knowing that tornadoes were likely, we had our children pack up the things most important to them, and we brought them along as we went and took cover in a storm shelter.  Thankfully, the tornadoes went around and over our hometown without doing any damage to it.  Others, however, were not so fortunate.

Seeing the images on television and hearing about the death and destruction that overwhelmed Moore and Bethel Acres cannot come close to describing the hurt and loss of the people who were directly affected by it.  In the midst of the carnage, some people thanked God that they were spared.  A few days have gone by, and the question on some people’s hearts is:

Why did God allow this to happen?

I do not claim to know all the answers, but I do know that all things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28).  And with this thought at the forefront of my mind, I offer the following thoughts for why God allowed the tornadoes to rip through central Oklahoma this week.

1.    To wake people up to their spiritual needs.  When tornadoes hit, people begin to think more about their spiritual life.  What will happen if I die?  It is often after the death of a loved one or a brush with death that people will begin to see their mortality and hopefully look at where they are headed spiritually speaking.

2.    To wake up the church.  One of the biggest problems in the church is spiritual sleepiness.  In most congregations, it is like pulling teeth to get certain members involved.  In some congregations, the entire body is in a spiritual coma, doing nothing for the Lord except for showing up for worship.  When something like these tornadoes happen, it serves to shock the church members into looking at their own lives and realizing that they have not been living out their Christianity like they should.  Now it is high time to awake! (Romans 13:11).

3.    To give the church a chance to shine.  There was once a man who was blind from birth.  That—to me—would be horrible.  But Jesus said that man spent his entire life blind so that the works of God could be plainly seen (John 9:3).  Things that we consider bad are sometimes allowed to happen so that God’s people can show the works of God.  After the tornadoes, churches of Christ opened their doors to give victims places to stay, places to eat a hot meal, places to find clothing.  Churches of Christ from across the state have been trying to assist with the clean-up and with taking care of those who are still without homes.  The church has been given a fantastic opportunity to show what Christianity is all about.  Do good unto all (Galatians 6:10).  Let’s take full advantage of this door that God has opened for us.

4.    To give the church an opportunity to grow.  Christians who do the work of God will also grow spiritually.  They will become stronger, more caring Christians.  The tornadoes have given Christians an opportunity to grow spiritually.  But this is also an opportunity to help the church grow in number.  When people see that you truly care, they will be more open to listening to the gospel.  There are hundreds of people who are hurting, who are feeling their mortality, and who may be seriously considering the question of Where would I go if I died?  Now is the time to show them you care for their physical needs, but also their spiritual needs.  People may be more open to the gospel of Jesus Christ now than at any other time in their entire lives.  Let us work to save them while we have the chance!

Lord, let us learn to use the opportunities that we have to do good unto all men—both physically and spiritually—so that we can bring glory to you.